Setting the foundation and getting the approval of this independent organization for international students from UNIST administration was not easy, but the love and respect of international students and the cooperation of the higher authorities of UNIST made it possible. After the approval of this organization, I appreciate those who voted to elect me as the first president of this organization. I want to thank all the international students of UNIST in this regards.
I emphasize that UISO will keep working for the welfare of international students of this school and would try its best to bring a sense of community in the international students of UNIST. Besides that, UISO would voluntarily work to remove the communication barrier between Korean and International UNISTARS in order to ensure the friendly multicultural environment in UNIST. Moreover, we would use this platform to bring a better understanding and cooperation between UNIST administration and the international students of UNIST. All in all, UISO would bring all the communities of UNIST under one umbrella; as we say "UNITED IN DIVERSITY".
Lastly, the UISO also appreciates the administration for welcoming the foundation of this organization and ensuring its continuous support. We strongly believe that UNIST administration is doing its best to make this school a world leading university. Also, I want to thank all the Korean students for being kind, hospitable and welcoming. I hope that all the UNISTARs would support UISO members to achieve its mission.
Thank you,
Founder/1st President UNIST International Student Organization (UISO)